Stop using ISNUMERIC, it’s (probably) wrong
Even before SQL Server 2012, ISNUMERIC was a function that you best avoided. Put quite simply, it’s just bad. It often provides results that are wrong, and it isn’t data type specific, something that’s actually really important when you have several numerical data types to use: int/bigint and the smaller ones, numeric/decimal, float/real and money. All of these data types behave very differently when converting from a varchar. Let’s start by looking at the results for ISNUMERIC: CREATE TABLE dbo.BadNumbers(Number varchar(20)); INSERT INTO dbo.BadNumbers VALUES(‘1’), (‘7.8’), (”), (‘1,020’), (‘1,079,190.7’), (‘17,1,68,11.0’), (‘1/3’), (‘1.236E7’), (‘2d6’); SELECT Number, ISNUMERIC(Number) AS IsNumber FROM dbo.BadNumbers;…